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This article reports on Odom Fanning's recent talk at Middlebury about environmental careers. Fanning worked for the Federal Energy Administration and wrote two books about environmental careers. He discussed the new demand for environmental…

Pursuit of repopulating the Adirondacks with wolves.

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Environmental concerns becoming a relative theme in this era

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New ecologists contend that balance of nature does not really exist and that what man perceives to be the natural order of things is far different from what actually takes place. This theory makes the management of nature more complex since man has…

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A dissertation peering into the transformation of the changing ideas, images and usages of the natural environment in eastern Germany post 1989. Eastern Germany is beginning to experience many western problems associated with the nature-society…

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Members of the Sahara Club use aggressive tactics to battle groups they say have overstated threats to the environment.


A bibliography containing many articles and other researched documents relating to conservation, agriculture and environmentalism between 1990-1992.

A participant-observation study of two grass-roots environmental movements focusing specifically on the difficulties in multicultural settings.


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Environmental concerns more to differ between rural and urban people. There is a non-exploitative attitude of farmers. Urban people tend to be more concerned.


An article that places emphasis on the parallelism of nature and feminism in the light of the environmental movement.


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