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Hist 222 Syllabus_Fall 1997_Morse.pdf
A course syllabus for a course in U.S. environmental history

Hill_Hist 222_Paper 3.pdf
a student paper on the early ES program at Middlebury based on oral interviews with two graduates of the Class of 1970

HOBBS_HIST222_Paper #3.pdf
Student paper by Katherine Hobbs '17 on emergence of climate change as an issue at Middlebury between 1990s and present, written in May 2015

A student analysis, written in May 2015, of debates over population growth in the late 1960s and early 1970s

Environmental fair hopes to increase environmental awareness across the campus and Proctor Dining Hall will be serving food from an array of local organic producers.

Preaching the environmental pressures of transporting food and discussing the local, organic food which the dining halls already offer.

Informing students as to why they should eat local/ organic food and of the efforts of Middlebury to provide local/organic food.

Article by Middlebury student raising concerns about reliance on nuclear power

LC 9 April 22 1979.pdf
An article about widespread challenge of toxic waste management and disposal.

Middlebury students are urged to take action against Texaco in order to stop their abuse of the rainforest in Ecuador.
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