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January 19 1981 pg 14 Middlebury Campus against racial violence in urban centers.jpg
Middlebury Students Against Race Violence and Discrimination

Earth First!.pdf

Environmental Activists Chuck Cook and Doris Gove are shown here with a "Save the Snail Darter" T-Shirt. This little endangered fish, found at the site of the Tellico dam in the midst of construction on the little Tennessee River, instigated theā€¦

Earth First! A Voice Vying for the wilderness Sep 5 1985 Los Angeles Times (same thing maybe) .pdf

warrencounty 1982 [].jpg

The Fate of the Earth.jpg

The Ecology of Freedom Second Edition.jpg
The Ecology of Freedom Second Edition (First Edition Printed 1982)

Project Showcase Ironbound Environmental Justice History and Resource Center 1984 Ironbound residents Ferry St. Junr 1 Photo Cred Ironbound Community Corporation.jpg

Love Canal and Lois Gibbs 35 Years Later "Young residents in Love Canal joined the protest" date unknown.jpg
"Young residents in Love Canal joined the protest"

Deep Ecology 1985.jpg
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