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Field Worker, grape vines.pdf
Farm workers in locations like California had long experienced poor living conditions, low wages, and bigoted treatment. In the late 1980s, the UFW took steps to boost the status of field workers in the U.S. - both through boycott campaigns (the…


copenhagen climate conference.png
In December 2009, the conference concluded that the world temperatures were increasing and that changes needed to be made in order to decrease that change.

obama's politics.jpg
A call to action for Obama's second term about what he could do to make the environment better.

This picture is from the EPA and is a part of the Clean Power Plan that aims fight climate change and protect public health.


Editorial Katrina relief right on | The Middlebury Campus copy.pdf
Middlebury actively participated in relief efforts after Hurricane Katrina. Members of the faculty, staff, and student community contributed by donating to charity organizations, hosting Tulane University students, and brainstormed further ways to…

Natural Disasters 2000-2010.pdf

Boycott Grapes poster.pdf
A poster created to commemorate the United Farm Workers' long-standing "Wrath of Grapes" boycott. Formally initiated in 1986, the campaign strove to publicize the plight of migrant grape laborers who, along with their children, were victims of…

Bioregional Table.pdf
Selected text and a table that appear in Kirkpatrick Sale's "Dwellers in the Land: The Bioregional Vision," a treatise on the bioregionalism subject. Although Peter Berg coined the term, Sale served as one of bioregionalism's leading theorists. In…
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