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An article in The Campus in November 1979 contends that the '70s has seen less activism than the '60s, partly due to students having "a realistic appraisal of the issue" and judging political and environmental problems from an economic perspective as…

Electoral College.png
Ronald Reagan swept the 1980 presidential election, garnering 489 out of a total of 538 electoral college votes. His main opponent, the incumbent Jimmy Carter, was accused of hurting American economic interests while carrying a weak foreign policy

Correspondence 08.01.1991_memo to TRC_more majors.JPG
A brief overview of how the number of ES majors have increased between 1985 and 1990.

Faculty in the ES program 1985 - 1989.JPG
A graph of the number of faculty participating in the Environmental Studies program between 1985 and 1989

Feb. 1989 Yellowstone 264.jpeg.jpeg.pdf
A graphic that depicts the location and cause of Yellowstone fires in 1988. The first fire began June 14, and a succession of conflagrations followed over the course of the summer. Overall, there were 9 human-caused blazes and 42 fires sparked by…

Course Catalog 1987-88_major description.JPG
Description of the ES Program

Course Catalog 1985-86_major description.JPG
Description of the ES program

Correspondence 1986_strengthen the major.JPG
Stephen C. Trombulaks outlines the new and old ES programs..

An image of Chris Klyza

An image of Madeleine Kunin
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