Browse Items (552 total)

Prompted by a greater public concern for the environment, in addition to influential novels such as Rachel Carson's Silent Spring and Stewart Udall's Quiet Crisis, the federal government signs several significant acts towards the conservation of…

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Title of article discussing water pollution reports of Lake Erie, including disputes over clean-up efforts and water treatment facilities.

Toxic Wastes and Race Report.U.S. Map.pdf
The "Toxic Wastes and Race" report that the United Church of Christ published in 1987 included a map illustrating the metropolitan areas where the greatest number of African- American residents lived near toxic waste sites. For instance, 99.8 percent…

Book review of "Beyond the Wasteland: A Democratic Alternative to Economic Decline" by Samuel Bowles, David M. Gordon and Thomas E. Weisskopf.

Firefighters Spray Foam.jpg
A wildland firefighting crew uses a fire-retardant foam to extinguish flames on a YCC dormitory at Mammoth Hot Springs. Yellowstone's fire policy came under heavy criticism during the summer of 1988, as firefighters adopted a "let it burn" strategy…

Food Waste_ENVS_Camp_1983_11_11_pg05_Durning001.jpg
This article appears in the Middlebury Campus in November 1983 and details the goal of the Student Forum Food Committee: to make students aware of the amount of food they are wasting. The committee, which consists of both students and dining hall…

Food Justice Course_Winter 2010.pdf
A description of a winter term course in Winter 2010, on the subject of Food Justice.

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Environmentalists at Middlebury College initiate a study of food waste in dining halls.

Forest Service Fights for Life 1973.pdf
The United States Forest Service is criticized by conservationists and timber industry professionals alike for its mismanagement of the national forests.

Student Terry Bouricius presented a resolution at the Student Forum on January 12, 1975 that proposed the school should offer a vegetarian dish in addition to a meat dish at all meals. He thought this would help students become more aware of the…
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