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This advertisement appeared in the midst of the 1979 Energy Crisis in support of American Electric Power. It claims that coal can be cleaned before it is burned so that less pollution enters the atmosphere. Industry and the environment began to clash…



Highway Beautification Act.pdf
President Johnson signs into act the Highway Beautification Act, and "promised that 'as long as I am President, what has been divinely given by nature will not be recklessly taken away by man.'" Under this new law, states needed to "control…


Timeline of college's decision to pursue carbon neutrality and progress toward that goal

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Middlebury students in D.C. to protest the Keystone XL Pipeline.

Panel Discusses Cuban Missile Crisis.jpg
Middlebury Campus article detailing a panel discussion held in Mead Memorial Chapter with various professors regarding the newly-developed Cuban Missile Crisis.

An oil well owned by Mexican petroleum giant Pemex exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, causing one of the largest oil spills in history. An amount of approximately 10,000-30,000 barrels of oil leaked each day from the wellhead over the span of 10 months.
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