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EQ_Alaskan Lands Debate_1980_11.pdf
Two newspaper columns from the student organization EQ regarding Alaska lands legislation in 1980.

EQ Energy Conf_MC_1_22_76_p15.jpg
article stating purpose and goals of Energy Conference to be held in March 1976, entitled "Phoenix--Can the World Rise out of Its Own Ashes."

EQ Fair_Energy_MC_3_16_77_p5.jpg
Midd Campus article on plans for Energy Working Group, Energy Fair, and Energy Studies.

Professor George Wenzel gives a talk entitled "Marooned in a Blizzard of Contradictions: the Inuit and the Animal Rights Movement"

Discussions about Environmental awareness as the owner of a large piece of land that is home to many rare Vermont plants decides to build a radio dish on it.

EQ Logos over Time 1973_81.pdf
Three logos from the environmental group Environmental Quality at Middlebury College, 1973, 1975, and 1981.

EQ hopes to bring attention to the "controversial question of nuclear power" after two large explosions destroyed a nuclear power reactor at Chernobyl.

1987 03 11 EQ urges recycling.pdf
The Environmental Quality Club encouraged the College to recycle.

An EQ newspaper column in the Campus about connections between Energy and Physics and plans for students to learn more about alternative energy sources.

EQ_Acid Rain_1981_1_15_Vol75No10_p.2.jpg
An Environmental Quality column in the Middlebury Campus discussing the problem of acid rain.
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