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The United States military used the defoliant known as Agent Orange to destroy large swathes of Vietnam's jungle, depriving the Vietcong of cover, but both fighters and non-combatants of food. The chemical caused chronic illnesses for both the…

UFW Renewed Grape Boycott, c. 1980s.pdf
Chavez and the United Farm Workers solicited the public to participate in a nationwide boycott of grape producers that did not display a union label. The UFW's broad-spectrum social justice agenda enabled it to enlist churches, community…

In 1979, Iranian revolutionaries, led by religious leader Ayatollah Khomeini, overthrew Western backed Shah Pahlavi. As a result, oil production in Iran dropped, triggering an economic shock known as the 1979 Energy Crisis.

copenhagen climate conference.png
In December 2009, the conference concluded that the world temperatures were increasing and that changes needed to be made in order to decrease that change.

Northern Spotted Owl.pdf
On June 22, 1990, the Bush administration voted to register the Northern spotted owl as a threatened subspecies on the Endangered Species list. At the time, only 3,000 to 5,000 pairs were extant in the Pacific Northwest. Though a bitter debate raged…

March 1989 U.S. Council for Energy Awareness Ad.pdf
An advertisement from the U.S. Council for Energy Awareness in the March 1989 issue of National Geographic. Despite Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, two catastrophic, nuclear incidents that rattled American faith in this energy source, nuclear and…

While working to strengthen the Environmental Studies program at Middlebury, Elder seeks ways to blend the sciences with the humanities


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Student working in Organic Farm and aerial view of farm, from 2009 environmental newsletter, caption reads "The College's Organic Garden has proven to be a perfect outdoor laboratory for ES majors"

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Weekly letter on Environmental Quality issues

The column highlights the club Environmental Quality's goals for the upcoming semester. They have broad objectives to change things both on campus and in the larger Vermont community.
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