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NYT Sierra Club_GC_7_25_66_p15.pdf
a full page ad attacking the US government's plans to build dams on the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon

Mag Covers_Fortune_Newsweek_1970.pdf
Two covers of US national magazines from January and February 1970--both are special issues on the environment

NY Times 6_4_67 Mag Spread.pdf
Multiple newspaper accounts and analysis of the Torrey Canyon spill and the implications with regard to oil tanker and oil spill regulations in the ocean.

MC_Seaweed Lunch 12_13_68_p2.jpg
A Middlebury Campus article about a December 1968 lecture regarding food supply, famine, and overpopulation.

Middlebury Campus reports on week-long strike on campus in May 1970.

McCarthy_Ecology Fight.pdf
A newspaper article in the Washington Post about student environmental concerns and activism.

Gladwin Hill_College Students Confront Reagan on Env.pdf
To NYT articles about college student concerns regarding pollution and ecology, reported mostly from California, but also around the nation.

Stradling_Cuyahoga_Burning River.pdf
A scholarly analysis of the cultural history and meanings of the June 1969 fire on Cleveland's Cuyahoga River

Several accounts by Middlebury students of experiences in 1967 peace march

A student essay on changing gender roles in American agriculture with emphasis on recent shifts in and around Vermont
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