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A discourse of what role ecotourism plays in the environmental movement during times of crowding of urban centers and overuse of the land.


EQ hopes to bring attention to the "controversial question of nuclear power" after two large explosions destroyed a nuclear power reactor at Chernobyl.

A student paper in HIST 222, Spring 2015, about Howard Woodin, the Midd biology professor who founded and ran the ES program (founded 1965)

This is a term paper exploring Professor Woodin's influence during his 32-year teaching career at Middlebury College, specifically the creation of the Environmental Studies Program.

Mag Covers_Fortune_Newsweek_1970.pdf
Two covers of US national magazines from January and February 1970--both are special issues on the environment

This article describes the Winter Term class taught by John Elder and Reuben Rainey titled "Environmental Ethics." The class explored the question "explored question “What principles of conduct should guide mankind when he interacts with nature?"

This column reports on the fact that Vermont passed a bottle bill that outlaws throwing away soda and beer bottles and a nuclear power bill that requires legislative approval for any new nuclear facilities in the state.

Hardin achieved a major impact within the economic, science and environmental communities with his essay "The Tragedy of the Commons," delivered to the Pacific Division of the American Association for the if there was a common field for people to…

In light of the 2008 financial crisis, many Americans became disillusioned with Obama's economic and energy policies. By depicting alternative energy as an insufficient and futile source of energy, the artist mocks Obama's commitment to green jobs…

Ramparts April 1967.pdf
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