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A MORALITY FOR THE 80'S - The New York Times.pdf
Book review of Maxinne Shnall's 1981 publication, "Limits: A Search For New Values."

CDC.GOV Early AIDS Report June 5 1981.gif


Maryland's Search for a Safe Dump Site for Toxic Wastes.pdf


The Fate of the Earth.jpg

THINK GLOBAL, ACT LOCAL - The New York Times.pdf
Book review of "The Politics of the Solar Age," by Hazel Henderson.

Debates over Energy
Middleubry Campus articles regarding energy use, the Energy Council, and the plan to close the dorms over Spring Break in March 1981 to save energy. Includes many letters to the editor on this issue

An EQ column in the Middlebury Campus discussing concerns related to OMYA's operation of calcium carbonate marble quarries in Addison County, VT

Scan_Energy Saving Lamps_1981_1_22&29_p9&28 (2).jpg
Two college store advertisements for energy saving lamps from the Middlebury Campus in January 1981.
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