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excerpt from "Population, Resources, Environment" by Anne and Paul Ehrlich, Professor Van Vleck discusses Population Control, food production, power production, and reproduction in his review of Paul and Anne Ehrlich's 1970 book "Population,…

Parent of a Middlebury Student and Atomic Energy Commission staffer writes in to Campus Editors dispelling rumors and offers "factual information" regarding nuclear power.

CT Oct 14_1966 LBJ Asserts Conservation Gaining Ground.pdf
This article discusses President Lyndon B. Johnson's public address on October 13th, 1966, in which he asserted that the United States has reached a turning point in its conservation history because more land is being preserved and saved than is…

The official logo of EDF, the Environmental Defense Fund

Faculty in the ES program 1968 - 1989.pdf
Lists of faculty members who taught in the Environmental Studies program between 1968 and 1989.

Photo from the 1969 Kaleidoscope showing a student brandishing a sign which reads "Trees Not Bombs"

Page from the 1969 Registrar's Report showing Janet Johns as the lone ES-Geography major

LAT Mar 4_1966 Viet War May Delay Conservation.pdf
Secretary of Interior Stewart L. Udall says some of the Johnson administration's conservation goals "may have to await the outcome of the conflict in Vietnam." Billions of dollars would be needed to combat pollution, but the government will not have…

Midd Yearbook_1969_Sue Johns Paulsen.jpg
- Picture of Sue Paulsen (formerly Janet Susan Johns) from the 1969 Yearbook
-Page from the 1969 Middlebury Commencement Program showing Janet Johns

Environmental Defense Fund asks U.S. District Court to halt spraying of DDT in 56 Michigan cities
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