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"There is one by-prodyct of America's environmental warfare that doctors are beginning to notice. Since 1967 there has been a rapidly increasing number of miscarraiges and malformed babies attributed to human exposure to herbicides. Several of the…

CSM Sep 26_1966 The Call of the Vanishing Wild.pdf
This article discusses urban sprawl in San Francisco, and laments the vanishing green space in the U.S. and the resulting lack of respect that contemporary Americans have for the natural world and the environment.

Hardin achieved a major impact within the economic, science and environmental communities with his essay "The Tragedy of the Commons," delivered to the Pacific Division of the American Association for the if there was a common field for people to…

excerpt from "Population, Resources, Environment" by Anne and Paul Ehrlich, Professor Van Vleck discusses Population Control, food production, power production, and reproduction in his review of Paul and Anne Ehrlich's 1970 book "Population,…

Screen Shot 2015-05-10 at 1.46.00 PM.png
Title of article discussing water pollution reports of Lake Erie, including disputes over clean-up efforts and water treatment facilities.

Faculty in the ES program 1968 - 1989.pdf
Lists of faculty members who taught in the Environmental Studies program between 1968 and 1989.

ES Program 1997_graph of ES majors.JPG
A bar graph showing the number of Environmental Studies majors between 1969 and 1997.

Middlebury students, faculty members and town residents form an Environmental Quality group to provide information on a local level about the pressing problem of environmental pollution. Emphasis on community education and pollution.

The official logo of EDF, the Environmental Defense Fund

"Individual and group response to the ecological crisis were the emphasis of the Environmental Action Conference held here last weekend. Dr. Howard E. Woodin and Dr. Ralph D. Nelson gave the opening addresses to approximately two hundred…
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