Browse Items (56 total)

"There is one by-prodyct of America's environmental warfare that doctors are beginning to notice. Since 1967 there has been a rapidly increasing number of miscarraiges and malformed babies attributed to human exposure to herbicides. Several of the…

"As part of a general campaign against over-population and pollution, Associate Professor of Biology David Van Vleck is leading an on-campus drive to collect signatures for a petition calling for the legalization of abortion in Vermont."

"Individual and group response to the ecological crisis were the emphasis of the Environmental Action Conference held here last weekend. Dr. Howard E. Woodin and Dr. Ralph D. Nelson gave the opening addresses to approximately two hundred…

The headlines of March 12, 1970 issue of The Campus capture the concerns of Middlebury Students, Vermont citizens and the greater American Public: anti-draft protests, Environmental Quality group mobilization, curriculum changes, as well as the…

Middlebury students mobilize against the war in Vietnam by demonstrating in Middlebury while other students attend a peaceful march taking place in New York the same weekend. While turn out was high in New York, only twenty-two students made it out…

4_30_70_Earth Day_Early_p 6_7.pdf
An article by Middlebury Campus editor Steve Early reflecting on the future of the ecology movement after Earth Day 1970.

CSM Sep 26_1966 The Call of the Vanishing Wild.pdf
This article discusses urban sprawl in San Francisco, and laments the vanishing green space in the U.S. and the resulting lack of respect that contemporary Americans have for the natural world and the environment.

An article detailing the expansion of the curriculum and facilities of the Middlebury College biology department.

The Population Bomb was an influential book written by Stanford University Professor Paul R. Ehrlich and his wife, Anne Ehrlich (uncredited), in 1968. Since it's publication and initial popularity, the book has drawn criticism for its alarmist tone,…

Middlebury College Catalogue for offered courses during the 1965-55 academic year. Notably, the first appearance of an interdisciplinary major in Environmental Studies.
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