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CSM Oct 10_1966 Conservation What You Can Do.pdf
Stories of individuals who have taken personal action to combat "society's assault on nature." This article supports the idea that citizens have personal responsibility to make conversation efforts.

An in-depth look at the polluting of Otter Creek done by local industry.

An in-depth look at the polluting of Otter Creek done by local industry.

A Middlebury Campus editorial summary of Stanford Biologist Paul Ehrlich's comments at a university speech (not at Middlebury) on Earth day 1970

4_30_70_p6 Corporate Proxies.pdf
An editorial in the Middlebury Campus after Earth Day 1970 reflecting on national movement to use corporate proxies as a way to influence American corporations involved in manufacturing harmful armaments and environmentally dangerous products.

4_30_70_p1&6&9_Three Views.pdf
Three different articles from the Middlebury Campus reporting on and reflecting on Earth Day 1970.

Middlebury College Catalogue for offered courses during the 1965-55 academic year. Notably, the first appearance of an interdisciplinary major in Environmental Studies.

The Population Bomb was an influential book written by Stanford University Professor Paul R. Ehrlich and his wife, Anne Ehrlich (uncredited), in 1968. Since it's publication and initial popularity, the book has drawn criticism for its alarmist tone,…

An article detailing the expansion of the curriculum and facilities of the Middlebury College biology department.

CSM Sep 26_1966 The Call of the Vanishing Wild.pdf
This article discusses urban sprawl in San Francisco, and laments the vanishing green space in the U.S. and the resulting lack of respect that contemporary Americans have for the natural world and the environment.
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