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In the midst of the sustainable agricultural movement that has been sweeping the US, the USDA announced that they would give money to farmers, certified organic or in the process of certification, to help initiate conservation practices on theā€¦

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Summary of trustee commitment to reduce Middlebury College carbon output, including rationale for the support.

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Description of the college's sustainability efforts in 2009, including progress toward carbon neutrality and information about the biomass plant.

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Article detailing Leibowitz's commitment to environmentalism as rationale for his selection as one of the country's top 10 college presidents

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Student working in Organic Farm and aerial view of farm, from 2009 environmental newsletter, caption reads "The College's Organic Garden has proven to be a perfect outdoor laboratory for ES majors"

A political cartoon satirizing Obama's energy plan as being incompatible with the reality of the country's energy needs and dependencies.

Timeline of college's decision to pursue carbon neutrality and progress toward that goal

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Image celebrating Bill McKibben's arrival as a visiting scholar at Middlebury College.

A pamphlet from Ronald Leibowitz's inauguration ceremony, Sunday, October 10th, 2004
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