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Liquidators wash radioactive dust off streets using %22bourda,%22 which is molasses .pdf

Reactor 4 damage after explosions  .pdf

April 1987.Air Atmosphere of Uncertainty.radon
Cutting a stark contrast to the Exxon Valdez oil spill and the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, subtler threats figuratively - and perhaps literally - threatened the foundations of the American family. Radon, a colorless and odorless radioactive gas,…

Mothers of East L.A..pdf
A clipping from an article that describes the Mothers of East L.A. (MELA) and their rise to prominence. MELA began as a group of 100 Latina women who came from disadvantaged backgrounds. The group's logo - a Virgin Mary-like figure who is cradling…

Feb. 1989 Yellowstone 264.jpeg.jpeg.pdf
A graphic that depicts the location and cause of Yellowstone fires in 1988. The first fire began June 14, and a succession of conflagrations followed over the course of the summer. Overall, there were 9 human-caused blazes and 42 fires sparked by…

Sustainable Development.pdf
Excerpt from "Our Common Future":

When the Brundtland Commission released a report titled "Our Common Future" in 1987, it coined the concept of "sustainable development." The Commission envisioned sustainability as the solution to simultaneous…

Hansen testimony.cover page.pdf
NASA scientist James Hansen's 1988 testimony to Congress carried grave warnings about the state of the planet in the future. Hansen cited numerous climate statistics and projections in his defense. Perhaps the most urgent indication of global warming…

Northern Spotted Owl.pdf
On June 22, 1990, the Bush administration voted to register the Northern spotted owl as a threatened subspecies on the Endangered Species list. At the time, only 3,000 to 5,000 pairs were extant in the Pacific Northwest. Though a bitter debate raged…

Yellowstone Fires 7.NPS.jpg

MC_1999_2_17_Vol 97_14_p9_BIH Env.JPG
MIdd campus article on environmental features of new science building constructed 1996-1999
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