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May 1987.Cover.pdf

March 1989 U.S. Council for Energy Awareness Ad.pdf
An advertisement from the U.S. Council for Energy Awareness in the March 1989 issue of National Geographic. Despite Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, two catastrophic, nuclear incidents that rattled American faith in this energy source, nuclear and…

Northern Spotted Owl.pdf
On June 22, 1990, the Bush administration voted to register the Northern spotted owl as a threatened subspecies on the Endangered Species list. At the time, only 3,000 to 5,000 pairs were extant in the Pacific Northwest. Though a bitter debate raged…

UFW Renewed Grape Boycott, c. 1980s.pdf
Chavez and the United Farm Workers solicited the public to participate in a nationwide boycott of grape producers that did not display a union label. The UFW's broad-spectrum social justice agenda enabled it to enlist churches, community…

Boycott Grapes poster.pdf
A poster created to commemorate the United Farm Workers' long-standing "Wrath of Grapes" boycott. Formally initiated in 1986, the campaign strove to publicize the plight of migrant grape laborers who, along with their children, were victims of…

Crown fire & photoshop.jpg
A crown fire consumes the Yellowstone canopy in September 1988. Within the park, fires damaged around 739,880 acres - that is, 36% of the park's total land.

Valdez based seafood processors picket Exxon's Headquarters, protesting shortage of work, July 24, 1989.jpg (ADDED.jpg
Images of oil-slicked wildlife elicited strong emotions during the Exxon Valdez disaster. In comparison, the people who bore the catastrophe's widespread economic costs received sparse coverage. Here, a man protests the lack of work brought about by…

Radio transmission.jpg
In the aftermath of the Exxon Valdez oil spill, ship captain Joseph J. Hazelwood quickly became the subject of controversy when it was reported that he had not been at the wheel when the ship breached Bligh Reef. Then Hazelwood 's failure to pass a…

Sept. 1986.North to the
In the 1980s, explorers and astronauts delved deeper into the natural world's final frontiers - on land and in space. The photographs and documentation that accompanied these ambitious expeditions illustrate two opposing ideas. On the one hand,…

Liquidators wash radioactive dust off streets using %22bourda,%22 which is molasses .pdf
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