Browse Items (34 total)

UFW Renewed Grape Boycott, c. 1980s.pdf
Chavez and the United Farm Workers solicited the public to participate in a nationwide boycott of grape producers that did not display a union label. The UFW's broad-spectrum social justice agenda enabled it to enlist churches, community…

Northern Spotted Owl.pdf
On June 22, 1990, the Bush administration voted to register the Northern spotted owl as a threatened subspecies on the Endangered Species list. At the time, only 3,000 to 5,000 pairs were extant in the Pacific Northwest. Though a bitter debate raged…

March 1989 U.S. Council for Energy Awareness Ad.pdf
An advertisement from the U.S. Council for Energy Awareness in the March 1989 issue of National Geographic. Despite Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, two catastrophic, nuclear incidents that rattled American faith in this energy source, nuclear and…

May 1987.Cover.pdf

Jan 1990 Cover.Exxon Valdez Spill.jpeg (ADDED).jpeg
The cover of the January 1990 issue of National Geographic magazine featured an oil-slicked bird - an image used repeatedly in popular media to appeal to the American public's empathy.To add to the emotional intensity of the Exxon Valdez disaster,…

Earth Day 1990_ENVS_Camp_1990_04_20_pg08_Hutton001.jpg
An account of what the school's different organizations and clubs, such as the Mountain Club and EQ, are doing to make Earth Day popular on campus

MC_1999_2_17_Vol 97_14_p9_BIH Env.JPG
MIdd campus article on environmental features of new science building constructed 1996-1999

Exxon Valdez Board game advertisement.jpg (ADDED).pdf
An advertisement for the board game "On the Rocks: The Great Alaska Oil Spill," created by Richard Lynn, a Valdez bartender and participant in oil-spill cleanup efforts. The game pitted players against each other in a race-against-the-clock: whoever…

Bioregional Table.pdf
Selected text and a table that appear in Kirkpatrick Sale's "Dwellers in the Land: The Bioregional Vision," a treatise on the bioregionalism subject. Although Peter Berg coined the term, Sale served as one of bioregionalism's leading theorists. In…

Mothers of East L.A..pdf
A clipping from an article that describes the Mothers of East L.A. (MELA) and their rise to prominence. MELA began as a group of 100 Latina women who came from disadvantaged backgrounds. The group's logo - a Virgin Mary-like figure who is cradling…
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